Pool Safety and Drowning Prevention

Pool Safety at Home, lists the top bullet points outlined in the article.

Florida leads the country in drowning deaths of children ages 1-4 years of age with summer being the most dangerous time of the year. Drowning is quick and can happen during the time it takes to pour a cup of coffee, unload the dishwasher, or let the dog out.

According to the National Safety Council, statistics point to drowning as a leading cause of death for young children – mostly due to children falling into a pool or being left alone in the bathtub. Even buckets can pose a threat. Drowning is preventable and supervision, pool barriers, and emergency preparedness are the best way to prevent it from happening.

Here are some simple water safety steps:

  • Never leave your child alone; if you have to leave the pool area, take your child with you.
  • Find age-appropriate swim lessons for your child, but keep in mind that lessons do not make your child “drown-proof”.
  • Lifeguards aren’t babysitters; always keep your eyes on your child.
  • Never consume alcohol when operating a boat, and always make sure everyone is wearing U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jackets.
  • Don’t underestimate the power of water; even rivers and lakes can have undertows.
  • Get trained in CPR.
  • If a child is missing, check the water first.

For more information regarding drowning prevention visit https://www.poolsafely.gov/parents/safety-tips/.