Lehigh Acres Fire Control and Rescue District Breaks Ground on Station 107

LAFCRD Commisioners, Chiefs, and Staff from Wright Construction break ground.

The Lehigh Acres Fire Control and Rescue District (LAFCRD) officially broke ground at the site for Station 107 this morning. LAFCRD Chief Officers, Commissioners, and firefighters joined members of Wright Construction for the celebratory groundbreaking at the site. Station 107 is positioned at the corner of Leonard Blvd S. and Owen Ave S, on the West side of the District. The station is expected to be completed in early 2024.

In the District’s most recent ISO evaluation (December 2022), points were deducted under truck operations as the District currently operates with only one aerial truck in service. With an ISO rating of three, but very close to a two, the addition of an aerial apparatus at the new fire station 107 will assist our efforts to provide our community with a lower ISO rating and increased level of service. 

Station 107 is strategically placed near SR 82, a 6-lane road that connects three counties along the boundary of our District. Our crews frequently respond to high-impact crashes on this roadway, many requiring multiple rescues for patient transports. Additionally in this new station’s boundary is a growing industrial park in which large amounts of high-hazard materials are stored within various businesses. The addition of the fire station at this location, with aerial capabilities, will greatly improve the level of safety for community members in the area as well as responding firefighters.

Our District is currently experiencing an increase in new construction as well as a significant population increase. Within the last ten years our overall call volume increased almost 59% from 10,534 in 2013 to 16,746 responses in 2022. This growth has created an immediate need to open and staff additional stations. This much-needed seventh fire station will improve response times to these calls for service across the entire District.

Our District acknowledged the need to create a stable revenue source to keep up with the population growth and call volume in 2019. In 2020, we received voter approval to change the methodology of how we generate revenue and modified our non-ad valorem fee assessment. Through responsible strategic planning, this new assessment model will continue to support future funding associated with the predicted growth. This process will sustain funding for the stations and staff we need to continue to grow and serve our community.