Interactive Comparison Feature

2020-21 Preliminary Demand Method Compared to Preliminary Simplified Method

PRELIMINARY Comparison of current Demand Method to proposed Simplified Method

of determining District Assessments

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PLEASE READ: This search engine compares the preliminary assessment rates for the current Demand assessment method and the new proposed Simplified assessment method to pay for the constant cost of Fire Protection and Emergency Rescue availability for your parcel.

For now, it does not show you the annual additional Uniform Assessment Collection Costs for each parcel. These costs are nominal and will be similar under either assessment method.

This search will show an alternative comparison of the annual assessment amount expected to be charged to the parcel for each of the two methods next November on your tax notice. 

Only one of these assessment methods can be used – either the current Demand method or the new proposed Simplified method. This information is preliminary and will be updated over the summer. The New Simplified Method will immediately raise much-needed revenue which will enable the District to improve the District’s fire protection and emergency rescue services by the addition of more fire stations and more firefighters/paramedics. The New Simplified Method will also lower annual assessment charges on most improved properties including residential properties and commercial properties. Remember, the District does not receive any ad valorem taxes in addition to the District’s assessment. 

If the ballot question to approve the NEW SIMPLIFIED ASSESSMENT METHOD passes, the NEW SIMPLIFIED METHOD will be used and will be the subject of an additional public hearing in September noticed by publication in the News-Press and by an individually mailed notice sent to every parcel owner 20 days prior to that hearing. 

If the ballot question does not pass, either the present DEMAND METHOD or a 3 MILL AD VALOREM TAX will be used and will be the subject of the public hearing in September, with the publication of a notice in the News-Press 20 days prior to the hearing. 

Compare the difference between the two methods. ALL of the roughly 125,000 parcels in the District under the New Simplified Method will pay $162 per parcel (whether the parcel is improved or not), plus those owners with improved parcels will additionally pay $0.93 per $1,000 of improvement value. The District knows that 11 out of 12 homes and most improved business properties will see an annual assessment reduction if the New Simplified Method is approved by the voters. The District also knows that the District’s life safety and fire protection services will improve if the New Simplified Method is approved by the voters.

The proposed Simplified Method is more productive and will fund the recurring annual revenue shortfall of the current Demand-based assessment so that the District can afford to pay for much needed additional fire stations and firefighters/paramedics to improve services. 

If you are not a property owner, you do not receive an assessment. ALL persons registered to vote in the District are eligible to vote in the August 18 election concerning the Lehigh community’s choice to fund YOUR District’s level of service. No voter needs to own property to vote on this choice. To register to vote or get a mail ballot sent to you go to  

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